Noticias Diciembre 2011
Los MIR de Familia de Cataluña afirman que no se cumplen los objetivos de su programa formativo
La crisis no es solo económica, es economico-educativa. Proponen denunciar esta situación “por vía legal” para “darle peso” a sus queja. Los recortes van hasta de un 20% en las horas de guardias. Denuncian además el incumplimiento de los programas formativos
Los aspirantes a la ECOE plantean un boicot a la prueba
Critican que después de varios años esperando les notifiquen su comparecencia pocos días antes del examen
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Fisterra renueva su imagen para convertirse en el gran referente de los portales de salud
El portal médico Fisterra ha sido adquirido por Elsevier y ha renovado su diseño y funcionalidad para que se acceda de modo más directo e instantáneo a los contenidos de la web, que a partir de ahora contará con dos únicas secciones (‘Profesionales’ y ‘Pacientes’) para hacer más sencilla la navegación.
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Reuniones Congresos y Conferencias:
15 Ottawa Medical conference. Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia
9-13 March 2012
The Ottawa Conferences on the Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Healthcare Professions were set up by Professor Ian Hart (Ottawa, Canada) and Professor Ronald Harden (Dundee, UK) in 1985. Held biennially, they provide a forum for medical and other healthcare professions educators to network and share ideas on all aspects of the assessment of competence in both clinical and non-clinical domains, throughout the continuum of education
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5th International Online Medical Conference (IOMC 2012). March 3, 4, 10 & 11, 2012.
IOMC is one of the most innovative conferences which has been increasingly welcomed by medical & healthcare experts, researchers, professionals, students, and professors from around the world.
Building upon the success of previous IOMC conferences since 2007, IOMC 2012 aims to foster the discussion among medical, nursing and healthcare researchers and provide them with the opportunity to discuss and present their research findings, studies, and experiences at a professional level and share their research works with the world.
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AMEE 2012: 25-29 August
Lyon, France
The Continuum of Education in the Healthcare Professions
AMEE 2012 will be held in the Centre de Congrès, Lyon, a modern and attractive conference centre with state-of-the-art facilities. Located a short way from the city centre and on a good transport network, the Centre de Congrès is near to hotels, restaurants and the beautiful Parc Tête d’Or.
AMEE is pleased to be collaborating with SIFEM/CIDMEF who will be holding their own pre-conference workshops on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 August, and some simultaneous sessions as an incorporated joint meeting with the AMEE Conference.
AMEE 2012 will highlight contemporary issues relating to undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education and the continuum across the different phases. It will focus on curriculum planning; learning outcomes; teaching and learning methods including new technologies; personalised learning plans; assessment; recertification; student and trainee selection; research in and evidence-based education; and the management of education.
Download a copy of the AMEE 2012 Promotional Flyer.pdf
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